Lately we had several request for an odroid port, so we asked Hardkernel if they’d like to provide us with some of their awesome boards.
And then, yesterday we received this package :
Here is what we found inside :
Two Odroid C1 boards and everything needed to run them:
So we got, twice, as we were told :
- ODROID-C1 Revision2 Board : the only difference is EMI/ESD optimization and IR receiver location. The software is 100% same.
- HDMI Cable
- USB-DC plug cable
- ODROID-C1 Case Blue
- 8GB MicroSD UHS-1 C1 Linux
- USB-UART Module Kit
And once the board is in it’s case.
Thanks a lot to Hardkernel. Now we will start working on the odroid C1 ports.
As the C1 has a Mali chipset for video acceleration, we worked these last days fixing it For Allwiner boards (Cubieboard 2 and Cubitruck). The black flickering and black background issue when using lakka / xmb menu are now fixed.
Here is what changed since the last Update:
The release is getting closer and closer!!